Taking My Mybility Four All Terrain X Dl On A Well Deserved Break

Holidaying Mybility Wheelchair 
I had my first holiday abroad for years & it went surprisingly smoothly…so I have decided to book again for next year!
The first obstacle was getting my wheelchair into the hold at Heathrow airport. British Airways were fantastic booking me in along with my medical extras (there is no extra charge for the wheelchairs and 1 medical bag). I swapped into my manual wheelchair and said goodbye to my DL Stand Up wheelchair before security checks at Heathrow. It was now in Heathrow staff hands, I showed them how to operate the wheelchair and disconnect the battery for the flight (I had added a Battery disabler switch to the DL wheelchair as stipulated by the airline).
After a Pret sandwich I wheeled myself to the door of the plane and hoisted onto a tiny aisle plane wheelchair…super fun! and then was pushed through the airplane to my seat. (Meanwhile my manual wheelchair was taken to the hold) The flight was excellent I only needed to pee once which was an ordeal but I made it with assistance from the seats holding me up either side. At Larnaka, my manual wheelchair was waiting for me at the door of the plane with a disability assistant to assist me through passport control, to baggage and then onto my DL wheelchair which was waiting for me in perfect shape. What a relief!
.. Mum was at arrivals to greet me along with my brother and the taxi driver who had been booked in advance. Mum had done a little research before I booked the holiday to make sure there was an accessible taxi service. Perfect, I was able to glide up the ramp into the taxi where we headed to Palm Beach Hotel…Have I mentioned the heat hitting me first? Late 20’s I believe even at 7 in the evening not great for my MS.
Palm Beach hotel was magical..but I couldn’t access the front door of our apartment due to the exceptionally small doorway. Luckily I have a uncle who is a carpenter and he managed to cobble together a little ramp for the patio doors at the front where there was a fabulous outlook onto a very inviting swimming pool.
The 10 days were spent eating, sleeping, lounging, sipping cocktails, beers, swimming in the pools even the sea. This was tricky; dragging my body over the stones at the edge of the water is not pleasant but I managed to work out a technique for getting over them using a sun lounger.
Evenings were spent visiting my mum & hanging out in Larnaka and at the hotel with its many restaurants and bars. The trips out wouldn’t have happened without the very efficient taxi service which became the key to this holiday. Without them I wouldn’t have been able to get around in my DL wheelchair.
One evening was spent meeting up with old friends in an amazing restaurant with live music…an amazing night!
Trip back was equally as smooth. The airport staff at Larnaka were again extremely efficient. We left the DL again to go into the hold and it was there on the other side. I picked up my baggage and my van was ready with the valet service at Heathrow.
I would recommend this for anyone, don’t get put off by the obstacles.