The Mybility All Terrain DL Or DL Special Equipment Wheelchair
The Mybility All Terrain DL can safely and comfortably handle a range of terrains including: grass, mud, sand, cobbles, steep slopes, steps, and even snow. It comes with a wide range of features as standard, a 5 year warranty and has a realistic 10 year lifespan. Click for details
The Mybility All Terrain DL Special Equipment has the same features as the DL above but also includes an electronically adjustable backrest, electric length compensation footrest and electric seat riser (30 cm rise). It also includes an electric seat riser which gives a 30 cm seat rise. Click for details
The Mybility City MK3 Wheelchair
The Mybility City MK3 model – is a newly re-designed 4 wheel drive urban chair. The very neat shape and size makes it perfect for nipping around tight spaces indoors and out. An excellent wheelchair in its class that is able to tackle streets and pavement obstacles and is perfect for children and young people depending on the lifestyle and disability needs.
For a wheelchair that can tackle a wider range of challenging terrains see our other Mybility All Terrain models including the DL, DL Special Equipment & Standing wheelchairs. Click here to see the Mybility City MK3
The Mybility All Terrain Stand-Up Wheelchair
The award winning Mybility All Terrain Stand-Up is the only truly all terrain stand up model on the market. As well as being able to handle a variety of challenging terrains, it also includes a seat riser and can also enable the user to replicate a standing position. Its revolutionary seating system allows you to electronically adjust your body posture at will to either lie down flat, stand up, or choose any angle in between. Click for details
Older wheelchair users have specific needs for comfort, mobility and flexibility to ensure that they are able to use their wheelchair safely and securely to enjoy as much independence as possible.
Of course you also want to get on with your life and continue to enjoy the pursuits that you always did with your family and friends. Whether you enjoy sports, shopping or simply rambling with your grandkids the Mybility All Terrain Wheelchair can offer you the mobility and flexibility that you need even in areas where the terrain can be more difficult.
It is important to choose a wheelchair that meet your needs as an older wheelchair user bearing in mind that over time these needs might change. Poor decisions when buying a wheelchair all too often means that it fails to meet your needs resulting in discomfort, inhibited mobility, and poor posture. Furthermore poorly fitted seating may also cause other health problems such poor circulation, gastrointestinal and urinary tract dysfunction, and high blood pressure.
Unhurried At Home Demonstration
At Mybility All Terrain Wheelchairs our expert wheelchair users are able to fully adapt our wheelchairs to meet your needs. Our wheelchairs have a realistic 10 year lifespan and so we also like to consider how your needs might change over that time. Whether you are experiencing pain from an injury, stroke or health condition, or have restricted mobility we can meet your needs.
We offer an at home, unhurried demonstration so that you can see and try out the wheelchair for as long as you need and discuss the way that it could work to benefit your life and support your disability needs. We also consider whether you will be using it more indoors or outdoors, have any hobbies or activities that you want to use it for, and very importantly whether you require specialist cushions on the seat of the chair to remove pressure or discomfort.
The electronic controls are easy to use and we like to explain the way that it works in a jargon-free language. We are also able to offer an electronically adjustable foot rest, heat rest and seat riser if you wish.
To see our full range of wheelchair adaptations and accessories please click here for more.