Elders Zone
Mybility All Terrain Wheelchairs understands the needs of more mature people

We understand that you simply want to be able to get on with things with a wheelchair that can comfortably and safely enable you. Our oldest customer so far is 89 years old.
Freedom and independence
The Mybility All Terrain Wheelchair range offers the more mature user unprecedented freedom to stay independent and to enable you to securely tackle a range of terrains – from grass, cobbles, steep slopes, high kerbs, sand, steps and mud to even snow. Best of all the wheelchair is kind to your carpets and floors at home. In addition because of its outstanding manoeuvrability it can also handle tight corners with ease.
Tailored comfort
As well as functionality our wheelchairs are designed with comfort in mind. We are able to fully adapt the wheelchair to meet your individual needs and pride ourselves on taking the time to ensure that we find the right level of comfortable seating for you. Our wheelchairs also come with secure footrests and adjustable armrests, LED lights and safety mirrors, Easy to use controls – no complex technology – and we offer full training so that you are confident about using your wheelchair. Controls can also be adapted to enable dual control with a carer if you require. Our wide range of adaptations can be tailored to meet individual disability needs including a unique chin tracking head control designed by Mybility.
Seat Riser with out Non Standing or Stand Up Models
As well as our convenient seat riser to help you reach higher shelves, we also offer a Stand Up or Non-Standing version of the wheelchair. The Stand Up version replicates a standing position and can also be adjusted to various positions including laying down.
Our wheelchairs are very reliable and have a realistic 10 year lifespan. We also offer a 5 year warranty and annual service. Our wheelchairs are also fully crash tested to EU standards also for use in a vehicle.